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32, Weiblich


Beiträge: 2516

Re: Jenny, Sam und Katja reden Quatsch xD

von jeny_rob_love am 04.04.2010 15:00

genau sam bei mri hat es auch laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaange gedauert -.-' und jetzt bin ich glücklich =)
süüss katja ist voll verliebt thihi ich bin auch schlecht in vertrauen xD voll nervig udn eifersüchtig bin ich auch voll schlimm aba naja

...what would you do if your reason for being didn't want you anymore. Would you still risk everything to save them.?

In the Twilight I saw him first In the New Moon I lost him In the Eclipse I've got him back and in the Breaking Dawn he's mine FoReVeR...



32, Weiblich


Beiträge: 2516

Re: Jenny, Sam und Katja reden Quatsch xD

von jeny_rob_love am 02.04.2010 22:21

geil :D:D katja hatte ein penis in der hand und flo bestimmt zum ersten mal eine vagina berührt ^^
süüüsss von ihn :)
ich war heute holand :D aber hab nirgendswo auf den schildern gesehen bocholt war auch bestimmt falsche seit :D war durch münster gefahren undso ja :D

wie lange seid ihr jetzt zusammen ?

asoo sam miiieser scherz =/

...what would you do if your reason for being didn't want you anymore. Would you still risk everything to save them.?

In the Twilight I saw him first In the New Moon I lost him In the Eclipse I've got him back and in the Breaking Dawn he's mine FoReVeR...



32, Weiblich


Beiträge: 2516

Re: Jenny, Sam und Katja reden Quatsch xD

von jeny_rob_love am 01.04.2010 13:13

erzähl uns alles

oder is es ein april scherz? :D

...what would you do if your reason for being didn't want you anymore. Would you still risk everything to save them.?

In the Twilight I saw him first In the New Moon I lost him In the Eclipse I've got him back and in the Breaking Dawn he's mine FoReVeR...



32, Weiblich


Beiträge: 2516

Re: Jenny, Sam und Katja reden Quatsch xD

von jeny_rob_love am 31.03.2010 12:28

die will ich auch noch lesen :D:D

...what would you do if your reason for being didn't want you anymore. Would you still risk everything to save them.?

In the Twilight I saw him first In the New Moon I lost him In the Eclipse I've got him back and in the Breaking Dawn he's mine FoReVeR...



32, Weiblich


Beiträge: 2516

Re: Jenny, Sam und Katja reden Quatsch xD

von jeny_rob_love am 30.03.2010 17:36

voll blöd :D
lese grade endlich den virten teil :D:D:D

...what would you do if your reason for being didn't want you anymore. Would you still risk everything to save them.?

In the Twilight I saw him first In the New Moon I lost him In the Eclipse I've got him back and in the Breaking Dawn he's mine FoReVeR...



32, Weiblich


Beiträge: 2516

Re: Jenny, Sam und Katja reden Quatsch xD

von jeny_rob_love am 30.03.2010 15:07

jaa aba bis jetzt find ich *S totall langweilig xD alle sind arbeiten -.-

...what would you do if your reason for being didn't want you anymore. Would you still risk everything to save them.?

In the Twilight I saw him first In the New Moon I lost him In the Eclipse I've got him back and in the Breaking Dawn he's mine FoReVeR...



32, Weiblich


Beiträge: 2516

Re: Jenny, Sam und Katja reden Quatsch xD

von jeny_rob_love am 26.03.2010 18:33

ich musste ganze woche 6 stunden kochen ~.~ wegen son festiveal was wir gemacht hatten das war gestern dann musste ich das ganze essen verkaufen xD voll ätzend aba jetzt endlich ferien

...what would you do if your reason for being didn't want you anymore. Would you still risk everything to save them.?

In the Twilight I saw him first In the New Moon I lost him In the Eclipse I've got him back and in the Breaking Dawn he's mine FoReVeR...



32, Weiblich


Beiträge: 2516

Re: Jenny, Sam und Katja reden Quatsch xD

von jeny_rob_love am 23.03.2010 14:04

erzähl mal Lol find das interessant thihi
ich hab auch nur noch diese woche schule und dann ferien haben wir am gleichen tag ferien? Oo habt ihr nich schon ferien? Oo

...what would you do if your reason for being didn't want you anymore. Would you still risk everything to save them.?

In the Twilight I saw him first In the New Moon I lost him In the Eclipse I've got him back and in the Breaking Dawn he's mine FoReVeR...



32, Weiblich


Beiträge: 2516

Re: Jenny, Sam und Katja reden Quatsch xD

von jeny_rob_love am 20.03.2010 17:34

ja ich verstehe das mit den saufen thihi

ich war gestern cokatails trinken mit mein ganzen leuten war ganz cool und lustig und heute kommen paar andere freunde zum chillen mit süsses und getränke aber kein alk Lol vllt.dsds schaun ^^

...what would you do if your reason for being didn't want you anymore. Would you still risk everything to save them.?

In the Twilight I saw him first In the New Moon I lost him In the Eclipse I've got him back and in the Breaking Dawn he's mine FoReVeR...



32, Weiblich


Beiträge: 2516

Re: Jenny, Sam und Katja reden Quatsch xD

von jeny_rob_love am 19.03.2010 16:39

bei uns sinds heute 17 und gestern 19 :D:D
aba hat heute auch schon geregnet Oo -.- aba is warm draussen

endlich wochenendeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3

...what would you do if your reason for being didn't want you anymore. Would you still risk everything to save them.?

In the Twilight I saw him first In the New Moon I lost him In the Eclipse I've got him back and in the Breaking Dawn he's mine FoReVeR...

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